Welcome to Kaicheng’s home page!

Welcome to Kaicheng’s home page!

I’m a PhD candidate in Economics at Michigan State University. My research interest lies in econometrics, with a focus on but not limited to robust inference for panel models, high dimensional models, unobserved heterogeneity, endogeneity, treatment effect models, and discrete choice models. I am on the 2024-2025 job market.

I also love national parks ⛺ and board games ♜.

Please feel free to reach out to me at chenka19@msu.edu.

News 📢

🗫 08/24 Presentation in 2024 Econometric Society Interdisciplinary Frontiers Economics and AI+ML Meeting (ESIF-AIML) @ Cornell Univeristy.
🗞️08/24 Fixed-b Asymptotics for Panel Models with Two-Way Clustering accepted by Journal of Econometrics.
🗫 07/24 Presentation in 2024 Chinese Economists Society (CES) China Annual Conference @ Zhejiang University.
🗫 06/24 Presentation in 2024 Asia Meeting of Econometrics Society (AMES) @ Zhejiang University.
🗫 10/23 Presentation in 2023 Meeting of the Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG) @ Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
🗫 06/23 Presentation in 2023 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society (AMES) @ Tsinghua University.
🗫 10/22 Presentation in 2022 Meeting of the Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG) @ Michigan State University.